Coleman Ward built a Joash Chest for the church, and this year we are putting our pledge cards into the chest. Usually, we bring them up to the altar on Stewardship Sunday during worship. It’s an opportunity for us as a community to make a visible commitment to the life and growth of the church.
This year is different. The coronavirus pandemic is keeping most of us away from the church building. We still gather with the help of YouTube and Zoom, but the physical altar is not available.
In 2 Chronicles 24 we learn about King Joash, who ruled in Jerusalem for 40 years. When he decided to restore the temple in Jerusalem, he called for a special offering.
“A chest was made and placed outside, at the gate of the temple of the Lord.”

We are using the Joash Chest to collect the church family’s pledge cards and Time & Talent forms.
You can also pledge online.
Please pledge by December 1st
At FUPC, we use member pledges to make decisions about the use of our resources. With COVID-19 disrupting life around the world, it is especially important that we have the pledge information for 2021.
Whether you choose to mail in your pledge cards or to pledge online, please make your pledge by December 1st, 2020.