First United Presbyterian Church

Ferncliff Mission Trip Registration

We are excited to be going on a joint mission trip with First Presbyterian Church, Springdale this summer. This trip has been carefully chosen and planned to keep all participants safe while also giving our students an opportunity to serve and to build fellowship.

Below, please find some basic details about the trip as well as the registration form. If you need/want further details, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Brianne or Jacob!

Trip Dates: June 20 – 25

Registration Due: April 30

Rough Schedule (times subject to change):


Meet at FUPC at 4:00 p.m. to load the bus.

Eat dinner together with Springdale at FUPC.

Depart FUPC by 5 p.m.

Arrive at Ferncliff Camp around 8:30 p.m.


Service projects at Ferncliff Camp. All projects will take place on Ferncliff property. We will likely: pack disaster assistance kits, work on Ferncliff’s farm/garden, and complete a “signature project” for Ferncliff Camp itself.

We have Wednesday afternoon off to take a group outing of some sort!

We will eat on our own as a unit all week, separate from campers and other Ferncliff programming. We may end up cooking some of our own meals, or eating in the cafeteria. We will be staying in the Ferncliff hotel – 3 persons to a room.


Depart Ferncliff Camp at 1 p.m.

Arrive back at FUPC by 4 p.m.

Trip Cost: $300

Scholarships are available. Please reach out to Brianne to request a scholarship.

Covid-19 Protocols

In this week-long mission experience, all our mission projects will happen at Ferncliff in a safe, socially distanced manner. We will have our own space for lodging and hangout and our own mealtime and so although we will interact with masked, vaccinated Ferncliff staff, Ferncliff is working hard to make sure our interactions this week are contained to our group.

Ferncliff has many safety guidelines already in place. They have been hosting groups all year including hosting a safe day camp experience last summer. Here are some additional safety guidelines we will practice as a team:

  • We will practice social distancing, proper handwashing and other appropriate safety measures as deemed necessary by the CDC and requested by Ferncliff.
  • Participants will remain masked except when eating, sleeping, or showering, or in their sleeping quarters with only their roommates present.
  • Travel will follow recommended safety guidelines including wearing masks while traveling, practicing distancing, paying attention to air flow, and disinfecting vehicles between rides. We will ride in church groups in our respective vehicles and will make the drive in one trip to avoid exposure at stops. (For example, no students will go into gas stations.)
  • Participants will be encouraged (though not required) to have a negative Covid test or have received the vaccine before traveling and anyone currently experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 as stated by the CDC will not be allowed to get on the bus and will be refunded for their trip.

Please register below if your student plans on attending! To reserve your spot, you need to fill out the form and turn in your $50 non-refundable deposit to Brianne.



2021 UPY Mission Trip Registration

2021 UPY Mission Trip Registration

My student has read and will abide by the Covid-19 Protocols laid out above. *

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