First United Presbyterian Church

United Campus Ministry

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We treasure and cultivate our connections with Presbyterians across the United States and around the world.

Kristi Button and Carol Essen, co-directors
902 West Maple Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701

Phone: 479.442.8041
Facebook Page

Our Mission:The mission of United Campus Ministry is to reflect and to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in service to students, faculty, and staff at the University of Arkansas. We strive to build community, promote service and love, teach justice and peace, and encourage one another to grow in faith. Through worship and prayer, a nurturing environment, and faith-centered activities, we minister to all within the university community. Marked by faith and zeal, we respect and welcome those of all faith traditions, and we affirm the dignity of all persons.

United Campus Ministry is more than an organization that First United Presbyterian supports; it is an actual ministry of FUPC and other Presbyterian congregations through the Presbytery of Arkansas to the University of Arkansas campus. As early as 1912, when there were both northern and southern Presbyterian churches in Fayetteville, there was interest in having a campus minister. For many years, this individual was also an Associate Pastor of one of the Presbyterian churches in Fayetteville. In 1964, members of FUPC decided that since the Presbyterian Church had moved from its downtown location to the present location at Calvin and Knox, students needed a site near campus for programmatic activities.

Students from UCM are significant contributors to the life and ministry of congregations. Members of FUPC have always been vitally involved in UCM, serving on the Board, helping with work-days at the Center on Maple Street, and being a part of the Brownbaggers Book Club that meets at UCM.

UCM invites any and all to become more involved at UCM!

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