First United Presbyterian Church

2022 Time and Talent

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We treasure and cultivate our connections with Presbyterians across the United States and around the world.

Time and Talent Form 2022
Please check all ministries you would be interested in participating with. (Descriptions are at the bottom of this page)
Outreach and Serve
Spiritual Growth
When needed, I would be willing to:



Ministry Descriptions

Members of the congregation may volunteer to serve on or assist these ministry teams.

Belonging Ministry:  Supports and integrates new members, oversees regular review of the church membership rolls, and production and updating of the church directory.

Fellowship Ministry: Plans, leads, guides, supports, and recruits leadership and volunteers for the fellowship events (social, fun, small groups, etc.) of the church.

Outreach and Service Ministry: Guides, supports, leads, recruits leadership and volunteers for, and oversees the church’s ministries of mission, outreach, and hands-on service in the community, region, and world.

Spiritual Growth Ministry: Guides, supports, recruits leadership for, and oversees the churches ministries of Christian education, nurture, faith formation, and discipleship with children, youth, and adults, including the provision of childcare for church activities, and child protection policies.  Support Teams: Youth Ministry, Library, Adult Education, Children’s Ministry.

Welcoming Ministry: Guides, supports, leads, recruits leadership for, and oversees the church’s ministries of evangelism, welcoming visitors, and organizing new member orientations and reception.

Worship Ministry: Guides, supports, and oversees congregational worship on behalf of Session, in close cooperation with the Co-Pastors and the Director of Music Ministries.

Communications Ministry: Coordinates the internal and external communications of the church to make the most effective use of social media, the website, the newsletter, Weekend Updates, press releases, radio and television spots, etc. to maximize the church’s visibility in the community and to ensure the congregation is as well-informed regarding church ministries, activities, and functions as possible.

Planning Ministry: Develops, proposes, and reviews the congregation’s mission, vision, and core value statements, and keeps these before the Session and the congregation to set direction and ensure forward momentum;  provides accountability; plans and coordinates leadership for the annual Session retreat, in close collaboration with the pastors.

Properties Ministry: Coordinates, oversees, and recruits leadership and volunteers to care for, repair, and enhance the church buildings and grounds.  Support Teams: Garden and Grounds, Earth Care.

Stewardship Ministry: Encourages the spiritual discipline of stewardship; organizes, guides, and supports the annual stewardship campaign; ensures financial accountability; promotes lifetime and legacy giving; and oversees the church’s annual operating budget.  Support Team:  Legacy Giving

Additional Ministries:

The nominating ministry is elected by the congregation.  The nominating ministry prayerfully invites members of the congregation to be nominated for service as ruling elders and deacons, and invites members to serve as church officers (trustees, treasurer, clerk of session) and members of specific ministry teams (e.g. endowment, personnel) as requested by the Session.  If you are interested in serving on the nominating committee, as an elder, deacon or church officer or on either the personnel or endowment ministry, please speak to Derrik Olsen, Nominating Ministry Team Moderator.

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