First United Presbyterian Church

Sunday School

Welcome to Sunday School, spiritual growth opportunities at FUPC which meet every Sunday morning at 9:30.

Fayetteville United Presbyterian Church offers Sunday School, or spiritual growth opportunities held on Sunday mornings, for all ages.


Joy-Us Group

Ruth Rodgers and Lora Horne lead this group for 3 years to 3rd grade. The time together includes Bible stories, music, movement, and more! The Joy-Us Group meets at 9:30 on Sunday mornings in Lower Knox building.

Good Neighbors Group

Kristi Button leads this group for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. Some of the activities are similar to those enjoyed by the Youth Group. This group learns more about the Bible and about how to connect to God in our lives. They also play games and undertake outreach activities. This group meets at 9:30 on Sunday mornings in Lower Knox Building.


Spiritual growth opportunities for youth are in a state of transition while our new Youth Minister comes on board. We will update this space with new information soon.


There are three spiritual growth opportunities for adults every Sunday morning in discussion groups. All three classes meet at 9:30, and everyone is welcome. Some churches divide Sunday School classes by age or gender, but FUPC welcomes diverse groups in all three classes.

The Present Word is an in-depth Bible study, and may be most similar to other Sunday School classes you’ve enjoyed.  This class meets in Calvin and on Zoom 2.

Thoughtful Christians is a book discussion group. Books range from current events to academic tomes. This class meets in the church library and on Zoom 1.

The Open Door class is also a book discussion group, but everyone is welcome, whether or not they choose to read the book, and regular attendance is not required. This class meets in Upper Witherspoon. Come as you are!

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