Here is a look at Sunday Mornings at First United Presbyterian Church. We begin and end the morning with a worship service. Communion is served at both services the first Sunday of the month and all are welcome to partake. Childcare is available Sunday mornings from 8:45am to 12:15pm for age 6 weeks through Pre-K. Children are always welcome in worship.

First Worship begins at 9am. It is a relaxed 50-minute service filled with modern music. If you are looking for a new worship experience, this service might be for you! The service is intentionally designed to offer something for all ages. It is for both young families and long-time church members. If you’ve attended Presbyterian worship services, you will find the order of worship is familiar but there are also some new elements.
Listen to the music being used in First Worship!
First Worship Spotify Playlist
The Christian Education Hour begins at 10:00am.
On September 8, the children, youth and their teachers, will leave the Kick-off celebration together and go to their classrooms to spend time to get to know each other. The adult discussion groups will meet during the time remaining after the Kick-off Celebration.

Children and Youth:
Youth in grades 6-12 meet in Lower Knox, Blue Room with our Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Amanda McDonald. This year our epic youth will be having epic discussions about the epic stories and heroes of the Old Testament.
The Joy-Us group for age three through first grade meets in the Corner Room of Lower Knox. This is an opportunity for our youngest to learn about God’s love for them and about loving others.
The God’s Gardeners group for second through fifth graders meets in the Yellow Room in Lower Knox. This class will be focusing on the fruits of the Spirit – fruits that are always in season!

Adult Opportunities:
The Present Word focuses on specific biblical texts and relevant themes (Calvin 201 and Zoom 2). Their Winter 2024-2025 curriculum is titled A King Forever and Ever.
Thoughtful Christians discusses various spiritual and theological topics in depth (Church Library and Zoom 1). Beginning in January 2025, the group will be discussing The Jesus We Missed by Patrick Henry Reardon.

Second Service begins when the bell rings at 11:00 am. This service is more traditional with a blend of traditional and modern music. Children, youth and adults are all involved in leading worship.