First United Presbyterian Church

Solar Under the Sun Project

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We treasure and cultivate our connections with Presbyterians across the United States and around the world.

solar-under-the-sunSynod of the Sun – Presbyteries within Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahoma

The Presbyterian Woman of FUPC and the youth of the congregation have led the way in supporting the Synod of the Sun’s partnership with the Synod of Living Waters to provide clean, sustainable water to the world’s children coupled with a solar power supply. “Solar Under the Sun” trains leaders in two separate leadership tracks: Solar 1. Leadership, Partnership Development and Surveying; and 2. Installation and Equipping Partners. Training is at Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center outside of Little Rock, Arkansas, and congregations are required to have one leader trained in each area prior to a team installing a solar powered system.

Members of First United Presbyterian Church have been trained at “Solar School,” and have worked with Solar Under the Sun and Living Waters for the World in both Haiti and Honduras.  Through the ministry of the Northwest Arkansas Presbyterian churches Solar Under the Sun has expanded into Honduras.  FUPC is honored that God’s vision of hands-on ministry in a Spanish-speaking country, as first discerned through our leadership, has led to dramatic positive change in the midst of the poverty of rural Honduras.

Pure water through a reliable power source can be the difference between life and death in regions where un-safe water carries deadly diseases.  With just a few days of training, and the commitment to travel to third-world countries, almost anyone can bring life and hope to our brothers and sisters in Christ!

Interested in changing the lives of our sisters and brothers in Christ in other parts of the world? This is it!

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