First United Presbyterian Church

Practicing Gratitude During Lent

Our theme of “Lift High the Cross” draws our focus on to God’s grace.  Knowledge of God’s unconditional love brings forth gratitude.  People who practice intentional gratitude regularly say that it helps them to be more aware of the positive in their lives.  Why not start today?

We are called to give our thanks to God in all circumstances.  That can be challenging. This week in First School Chapel the children are hearing the story about Jesus healing ten people with leprosy, and only one coming back to say thanks.  You can find it in Luke 17:11-19.    

Pastor Phil gave three suggestions to the First School families for practicing gratitude.  A) Take a walk outside and find things you can thank God for. Bring them home with you if you can.   B) put a lot of different things in a bag.  Take them out one by one and try to think of something about them that you can thank God for.  C) As a family, talk about each person and what you are thankful for about them. 

Going back and looking at what you have been thankful for in the past can also be helpful when it is difficult to be thankful.  Presbyterian Women offers a one-page download with prompts for writing about your blessings.

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