First United Presbyterian Church


The Calvary Cross

When we find, “Lift High the Cross,” we may envision a cross as we sing. If so, there is more than one cross that might come to our minds. The Latin cross may be the most familiar, the one we think of as the basic cross. It has a longer vertical arm and shorter horizontal… Read more »

The FUPC Logo

Today’s FUPC cross is found on the door of the church van — and in many other places as well, because it is the official church logo. Mary Mann remembers that the designer was a friend of hers and the daughter of one of the office managers many years ago. The logo combines the cross… Read more »

Earth Care Parament

Since 2018, First United Presbyterian Church has been an Earth Care Congregation. This is a certification program of the PCUSA, and we are one of just a few churches in Arkansas which have earned this honor. In order to get our certification, we have done many things that demonstrate our commitment to righteous stewardship of… Read more »


Here is another beautiful cross from First United Presbyterian Church. This is the familiar Latin cross shape, but there is something different about it. If you look closely, you can see the letters “JHS” or “IHS” on it. What’s that all about? Is that an I or a J? It could be either one. Look… Read more »

Harry Vandergriff’s Crosses

Many of the crosses at FUPC are hand carved from wood, and many of those hand carved crosses were made by Harry Vandergriff. Harry Vandergriff was a member of FUPC for more than fifty years, serving as an elder and volunteer in multiple areas of church life until his death in 2012. Harry served in… Read more »

The Clay Bell Memorial Fountain

Another cross on the FUPC campus adorns the Clay Bell Memorial Fountain. Rev. Clay Bell answered the call to preach at FUPC in 1965. He served during the ’60s and ’70s, a time of growth for the congregation, and was widely recognized for his leadership and mission work. He left for a position in Illinois,… Read more »


Searching for crosses on Presbyterian Hill, you’ll find this cross on communion ware. In the Presbyterian tradition, Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, holds a special place: One of Two Sacraments Presbyterians consider Communion one of the two sacraments. The other is baptism. We see these as divinely ordained acts that express faith and encounter God’s… Read more »

Bells on the Hill

Beneath the sanctuary cross, the handbell choir is getting ready to present “Lift High the Cross,” a popular processional hymn which is the focus of the Lenten season at FUPC this year. The hymn was originally prepared for a festival of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, held in Winchester Cathedral in 1887…. Read more »

The Lenten Banner Cross

The banners welcoming visitors and members to the courtyard change with the seasons. our Lenten banners were designed in 2022 by Debbie Power. Two of the series of four banners feature images of the cross. The banners were added to the FUPC campus as part of the building campaign of 2018, when the sheltered outdoor… Read more »

The Presbyterian Cross

The cross many people know as the Presbyterian cross has its roots in the Celtic tradition and the Scottish Reformation. The Celtic cross is characterized by a circle around the intersection of the arms of the cross and may also be decorated with details like interlacing patterns or knots. This design emerged in early Christian… Read more »

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