First United Presbyterian Church


Phil’s Cross

Pastor Phil sent this photo of a fabric cross prepared for Palm Sunday in Comayagua, Honduras. Phil Butin, who came with his wife Jan as co-pastors in 2010, has been… Read more »

Walkway Crosses

Are the crosses in the FUPC walkway really crosses? That is, were they built with an intention to convey the symbol of the cross? Sometimes we may get meaning from… Read more »

A Crucifix

What’s the difference between a cross and a crucifix? The cross is the symbol we’ve been looking at all through Lent this year, with our theme, “Lift High the Cross.”… Read more »

Bulletin Board Crosses

Seeking all the crosses at FUPC, we found one on the Community bulletin board. Did you know that FUPC has eight bulletin boards in Calvin building alone? Bulletin boards used… Read more »

The History Book Crosses

First United Presbyterian Church of Fayetteville has been active in Fayetteville since 1830. As we prepare for our 200th anniversary celebration, it can be satisfying to look back on the… Read more »

The Altar Cross

FUPC doesn’t always keep a cross on the altar, but there is a tradition of using the cross on the altar to mark the progress of Lent. The church history… Read more »

Holy Week 2024

Holy Week begins with the joy of Palm Sunday on March 24. We remember in worship how Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowds gathered, laid down their… Read more »

Barbara’s Cross

Barbara Verdery keeps this lovely cross on her desk. Harry Vandergriff made it for her to celebrate her five years as Clerk of Session. Session is one of the special… Read more »

The Apostle’s Cross

We don’t usually think about Chrismons during Lent — we enjoy them during Advent and Christmas. But this year for Lent we are scoping out all the crosses at FUPC,… Read more »

Amanda’s Cross

Youth Director Amanda McDonald received this cross from her previous church in Pine Bluff. It was created by James Hayes, a glass artist in Pine Bluff. Amanda, a native of… Read more »

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