First United Presbyterian Church


UPY Fall Schedule

UPY is for all 7th-12th graders.   UPY Small Groups begin on August 19th. UPY Together begins on September 13th. The End-of-Summer UPY Party is on August 30th! Download the… Read more »

Communion August 16th

We will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper this Sunday, August 16 at both services, using the same type of pre-packaged, sealed elements (small sealed cup with a wafer in the… Read more »

FUPC’s New Website

Fayetteville United Presbyterian Church has a beautiful, user-friendly new website! The address has not change. You can visit as always, and you will automatically be taken to the new… Read more »

UPY is on Summer Break!

Every year UPY takes an end-of-summer break before beginning again for the fall. We are not currently meeting weekly, but regular activities will resume sometime in August. We will let… Read more »

Congratulations, Class of 2020!

Congratulations to the Fayetteville High School Seniors who walked at their graduation (finally) this past Thursday (7/2). We know it wasn’t the graduation you imagined, but Brianne and I were… Read more »

He Is Risen

Photograph of a cross on a hill with clouds behind

Jeremiah 31:1-6 1At that time, says the LORD, I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people. 2   Thus says the LORD: The… Read more »

God So Loved the World

First United Presbyterian Church

In 1887, Sir John Stainer composed an oratorio entitled The Crucifixion: A Meditation on the Sacred Passion of the Holy Redeemer. He intended this work to be within the scope… Read more »

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