First United Presbyterian Church


Your Pledge and the Joash Chest

Coleman Ward built a Joash Chest for the church, and this year we are putting our pledge cards into the chest. Usually, we bring them up to the altar on Stewardship Sunday during worship. It’s an opportunity for us as a community to make a visible commitment to the life and growth of the church…. Read more »

Trick and Treats 2020

Because of the pandemic, trick or treating for 2020 had to be different from usual. At FUPC, we had a special event with outdoor stations across the campus. COVID-19 precautions were in place, with masks and social distancing. Many members of the FUPC family joined together to make this a successful event. About 35 children,… Read more »

The Birthday Fund Offering

The monthly Birthday Fund Offerings will take place in November and December as usual. We are adding a fun new way to make your Birthday Fund contribution — by mail! Each month, gift designation cards and return envelopes are mailed to members with birthdays during that month.  If you would like to be sent a… Read more »

A Gardens and Grounds Tour

We’re not up on the campus as much during the pandemic, but church members have been pouring out their hearts and their work to create some special plantings for our pleasure. Watch the video of our tour of the gardens and grounds.  

Winter Spiritual Growth

FUPC is offering two classes during the Spiritual Growth hour (Sundays, 9:30 – 10:30 am). Both classes will meet via Zoom! ALL are welcome to attend both classes, and weekly attendance is not necessary to find the classes fruitful and engaging. Below, please find information about each class, as well as the Zoom account being… Read more »

Indoor Worship, 8:30 a.m. Sundays

We are now well into late fall, and winter is quickly bearing down on us. This means cooler temperatures and a higher possibility of rainy or otherwise unpleasant weather. The change in weather has made continuing our early worship service outdoors uncomfortable for many. Thus, the Session has elected to move the 8:30 am service… Read more »

“TIME TO SHINE” – a Time and Talents Show on Nov. 8

It is the annual tradition of our FUPC family to hold a Stewardship Brunch in late fall that kicks off the Stewardship Season. At this celebration, we discuss how God has used our church family in the past year, and imagine how God will use us in the year to come. Circumstances prevent a typical… Read more »

Trick And Treats Celebration at FUPC

On October 31, FUPC is pleased to offer a Halloween “Trick and Treat” celebration. Taking place outdoors and socially distanced, we will have family friendly activities and pre-packaged Halloween treats! Costumes are encouraged for children… AND ADULTS! Masks are required. Families will sign up for either the 4-5pm or the 5-6pm time slot. Sign up… Read more »

Pick Up Your Communion Elements this Friday and Saturday!

We are celebrating World Communion Sunday this Sunday (October 4th)! On this special Sunday, Christians around the world celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. In order for us to participate during the pandemic, we are distributing communion elements this coming Friday and Saturday. You can come by the church and pick up your wafer/juice packet (one… Read more »

No Early Service September 13 or 20

Dear Congregation, We received word Friday afternoon that Rob Button has tested positive for COVID-19 and is isolating at home.  As a congregation, we are holding him and his family in love and prayers. Rob was showing no symptoms last Sunday, September 6, when he led worship and sang at both FUPC services. On Thursday,… Read more »

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