First United Presbyterian Church


Graduation Sunday is May 2

We at First United Presbyterian Church are excited to announce that Graduation Sunday will be celebrated on May 2 this year. Graduation Sunday is an annual tradition here at FUPC…. Read more »

Youth Sunday is April 25

One of the great traditions at First United Presbyterian Church is that all members and friends, regardless of age, are encouraged to participate in leading worship. We believe that its… Read more »

Palm Parade on 3/27

FUPC members and friends are invited to an outdoor, safely distanced Palm Parade on Saturday, March 27! Because we will not be able to gather in person on Palm Sunday,… Read more »

Holy Week Schedule

This year, Holy Week will look a little different at FUPC. Instead of gathering together for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, we will be livestreaming those services. On Easter Sunday… Read more »

View the Worship Service from 3/14/21

This past Sunday morning (3/14/21) we attempted to livestream our 11 a.m. worship service as normal, but we experienced significant issues with our internet which prevented us from streaming. We… Read more »

Abrahamic Faiths Forum Meets March 11

First United Presbyterian Church is proud of our partnership with the Abrahamic Faiths Forum, a panel discussion between members of the Christian faith, the Jewish faith, and the Muslim faith…. Read more »

UPY Mission Trip Feedback

The Youth Ministry Team is seeking feedback from UPY families on the possibility of taking a joint summer mission trip with First Presbyterian Church in Springdale! Parents/Guardians and students are… Read more »

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