First United Presbyterian Church


PCUSA General Assembly 226

PCUSA General Assembly 226 The 226th General Assembly of the PCUSA will meet later this month. There will be three days (June 25 -27) of online committee meetings which will be followed by a week (June 29- July 4) of in-person meetings in Salt Lake City, Utah. One of the unique aspects of the Presbyterian… Read more »

Circles of Support: FUPC and Circles NWA Partner

Circles NWA is an innovative response to poverty in our community. First United Presbyterian Church has a beautiful campus with a well-appointed kitchen and lots of great meeting spaces. We’re banding together to help reduce poverty in Northwest Arkansas. Circles will be meeting at FUPC on Wednesdays from 6-8PM starting this fall, serving meals to… Read more »

FUPC in Bloom

First United Presbyterian Church of Fayetteville is blessed to have a beautiful campus and devoted gardeners. Now, in May, the grounds are full of gorgeous flowers. Find these flashy beauties near the fountain, as you climb the steps from First School to the courtyard. These lush flowers are on the courtyard. Find these colorful blooms… Read more »

The Meaning of Pentecost


We can think of Christmas as the birthday of Christ, but the birthday of the church is Pentecost. Pentecost, observed 50 days after Easter Sunday, commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ. The story of Pentecost is told in the Book of Acts. Acts 2:1 When… Read more »

Earth Care Sunday

Earth Care Sunday comes on April 21st, with a special 11:00 worship service focused on our stewardship of God’s creation. There will be activities for children, refreshments, and a hike on the Brooks-Hummel trail after the service. Join the FUPC church family for this special Sunday!

It’s Friday

A moving poem by S.M. Lockridge, shared by the Gateway Church.

The Olan Mills Cross

Back in the days when we had physical church directories, they were sometimes produced by Olan Mills, a chain of commercial photographers. This company produced church directories from 1932 to 2019, and families could have their family portraits taken along with the photos for the directory. One year, they used the photos of all the… Read more »

Directory Crosses

Crosses turn up in many places at FUPC. We currently use a digital directory, but for many years we had a physical directory people could keep with their phone books (remember those?). The physical directories had photos of the church on the cover, and of course the photos included the striking cross on the roof… Read more »

Knox Building Crosses

These button-trimmed crosses are on the wall in Knox building, in the children’s Sunday School area. Two of the crosses are the familiar Latin cross shape, and two have the pointed ends found on the Byzantine cross. Spiritual growth programs for children have been important at FUPC from the beginning. Currently, we have two Sunday… Read more »

Jan’s Cross

For this Lent’s theme of “Lift High the Cross,” we have been celebrating all the crosses at FUPC. Today, Jan wore this cross-bedecked Lenten vestment — possibly for the last time. She mentioned this after the Palm Sunday sermon, clearly moved by the thought. Jan Butin, alongside her husband Phil Butin, has been pastor at… Read more »

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