First United Presbyterian Church


First School

First School is a community ministry of FUPC. Their logo includes a cross to show that they are a faith-based school. FUPC has been involved with several schools over the years The Creative School was housed at FUPC for many years and there was a program called “Tot’s Time” which was a mothers morning out… Read more »

The Davies Window

The Rev. Samuel Wilson Davies served the church for 28 years, beginning in 1874. In 1899, the Session honored him by commissioning a stained glass window, which was installed above the choir loft in the church at the time. It is now in place in Fellowship Hall. ” In 1874 Reverend Samuel Wilson Davies accepted… Read more »

The 1953 Cross

In the Calvin building, outside of the classroom used for the Present Word Bible Study class, there hangs a sort of tapestry commemorating the fusion of the three churches that combined to create the present day First United Presbyterian Church. It has the names of three churches: Central Presbyterian, First Presbyterian, and Cumberland Presbyterian, with… Read more »

The Columbarium

The Columbarium on the east side of the campus features multiple crosses. “Columbarium” comes from the Latin word “columba,” meaning dove. Columbaria were originally dovecotes, special structures with niches for doves to live in. Now a columbarium is a place for the respectful storage of funerary urns. This has been a Christian custom for thousands… Read more »

FUPC Cross

The cross in the Sanctuary may be the first one that comes to mind for FUPC members, but the cross on the roof is the best known around town. The cross on the roof is visible from points all around Fayetteville. The rooftop cross was erected in 1970, and the sanctuary was dedicated on June… Read more »

Lift High the Cross

For Lent 2024, FUPC’s theme is “Lift High the Cross.” We’ll be exploring the crosses you can find at the church throughout the Lenten season. How many can you find? Our first example is the cross in the Sanctuary. It hangs from the ceiling, dominating the space and reminding us all that Jesus Christ gave… Read more »

Lenten Devotional 2024

Judith McMillan, pastor at the Presbyterian Church of Bella Vista, has produced a Lenten devotional booklet. Our own Amanda McDonald and Kristi Button are contributors! Lent is an opportunity for reflection and contemplation as we prepare our hearts for Easter and the resurrection. A devotional can be a valuable tool in this process. The booklet… Read more »

One Great Hour of Sharing Offering

The One Great Hour of Sharing is a special national PCUSA offering received on Easter. Each gift to One Great Hour of Sharing supports efforts to relieve hunger through the Presbyterian Hunger Program, promote development through the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People, and assist in areas of disaster through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. You… Read more »

Ash Wednesday Worship Services and Bible Study

Ash Wednesday is February 14. On that day, we will have the first session of our NOON ZOOM Bible study, Meeting Jesus at the Table (A Lenten Study by Cynthia M. Campbell and Christine Coy Fohr). Bring your lunch and come in-person to Calvin 201 or join us at Zoom One for these 45-minute conversations…. Read more »

Lent & Easter 2024 – Lenten Worship and Learning Opportunities

Each year, the seven weeks of the Christian season of Lent afford us the opportunity to focus more deeply on our relationship with Christ. What you’ll see below are some ways to connect and grow, through either online or in-person involvement. Sunday mornings will focus on the meaning of the cross and why and how… Read more »

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