First United Presbyterian Church


Purple Wristbands Available Outside the Church Office

During the Lenten Season this year, members and friends of FUPC are encouraged to wear special purple wristbands as a way to remember our faith. FUPC is providing the wristbands free of charge to anyone who wants to participate. Because we were not able to meet in person for Ash Wednesday service, we could not… Read more »

Lenten Devotional Available

We are excited to provide a devotional for Lent prepared by the Presbyterian Outlook. Each week’s PDF contain daily readings from Scripture as well as short devotional reflections. We are encouraging our members and friends to consider following this devotional throughout Lent! The subject of the devotional is “Praying with Scripture.” Please use the links… Read more »

Join us for Ash Wednesday Service on YouTube

You are invited to join us on Wednesday, February 17, at 6 p.m. for our annual Ash Wednesday service. Due to Covid-19 precautions – as well as the impending snowstorm – we will worship together on YouTube. Check out our streaming page for more information on our livestream.

UPY Pre-Super Bowl Party is THIS Sunday

All 7 – 12 graders are invited to the UPY Pre-Super Bowl Party! In a normal year, UPY enjoys the Super Bowl together. We meet at a UPY family’s house and watch the game through, playing games and eating snacks and generally just enjoying each other’s company. This year, due to COVID-19, our plans have… Read more »

Our Lenten Sermon Series Begins February 17

Our next sermon series will extend through the season of Lent. Beginning Ash Wednesday (February 17), we will worship around the theme “Into Your Hands.” This series will focus on the question: “how can our hands impact the Kingdom of God?” FUPC will be worshiping on Ash Wednesday. There will be a 6 p.m. livestream service available… Read more »

Help PW with Valentine Care Packages!

For the past several years, Presbyterian Women have partnered with FUPC’s Young Adult Ministry to make Valentine’s Day care packages for the college students and young adults in our church family. Even despite the pandemic, we feel it is important to continue this yearly pattern! However, we have altered our plans slightly to ensure this… Read more »

Pastor Phil is Teaching a New OLLI Class

We are excited to let you know about a short course Pastor Phil will be teaching in February through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) that may be of interest to you or someone you know. Here is the course description: The Rise and Establishment of Western Christendom Join Phil Butin, Co-Pastor of First United… Read more »

Is FUPC a Rowboat or a Sailboat?

You might have been hearing about sailing and sailboats from church leaders, and you might have been wondering what exactly those references mean. Joan Gray wrote a book called Sailboat Church: Helping Your Church Rethink Its Mission and Practice which made a distinction between a rowboat church and a sailboat church. FUPC elders read this book… Read more »

FUPC Gives Above and Beyond to Vera Lloyd!

We are so honored by the generosity of FUPC members and friends, which continues to be on full display even during these trying times. On top of our annual financial commitment to Vera Lloyd, FUPC members and friends also donated a significant additional amount to be used by Vera Lloyd on their greatest needs over… Read more »

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