First United Presbyterian Church


Black History Month at FUPC: FUPC’s First Black Pastor

For Black History Month, we are sharing some articles from the church History book, A Light on the Hill. Today, we feature the story of FUPC’s first black pastor. Nancy Benson-Nicol Re. Nancy Benson-Nicol served FUPC as associate pastor for two and one half years, leaving in 2006 to aceept a call as chaplain at… Read more »

FUPC Played a Part in Fayetteville High School’s 1954 Integration

Fayetteville High School was one of the state’s first schools to integrate voluntarily without litigation or incident following the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Brown v. Topeka (Kan.) Board of Education decision. The district school board voted four days after the court’s May 1954 decision to integrate its high school and junior highs with the start… Read more »

Black History Month at FUPC: The 6 Pioneers

Just as members of FUPC were involved in the desegregation of Fayetteville High School, the church also supported the desegregation of the University of Arkansas. From A Light on the Hill: University of Arkansas Integration and Local Presbyterian Support From the fall of 1948 to the fall of 1950, five black students entered the University… Read more »

Lenten Study with the Presbytery of Arkansas

During Lent, join the Presbytery of Arkansas and PC-USA Mission Co-Worker Rev. Dori Hjalmarson in a six-week Zoom Bible study of mission and church. When two deadly hurricanes struck Honduras during one week in November 2020, members of the Honduran Presbyterian Church felt called to act, even though their own communities and churches had been… Read more »

Honduras Mission Weekend

  First Presbyterian Church of Bentonville and First United Presbyterian Church of Fayetteville are hosting Rev. Dori Hjalmarson during her visit to NWA from February 18-21. The Presbytery of Arkansas has been in partnership with the Presbyterian Church of Honduras in mission and outreach since 2014. Rev. Hjalmarson will be sharing with us about the ministry and… Read more »

Abrahamic Faiths Forum Considers the Messiah

Our winter Abrahamic Faiths Forum will consider the idea of “Messiah” and what it means in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. The forum will be this Thursday, February 10, at 7:00 p.m. by Zoom only. You are warmly invited to join us at the following link: Meeting ID: 816 7077 9451 Passcode: Abraham

Black History Month at FUPC: The Desegregation of Fayetteville High School

In the past, we have sometimes observed Black History Month by singing spirituals in worship during the month of February. This year, we’re looking at some events in church history, with the help of the church history book, A LIght on the Hill. Fayetteville High School Integration Most accounts of 1954’s peaceful integration of Fayetteville… Read more »

Bible Discovery

The Bible Discovery class is an adult discussion class. Each quarter has a theme, and generally the readings alternate each quarter between Old Testament and New Testament.  This quarter the theme is “Justice, Law and History.”  Dennis Brewer and Jane Steinkraus are the discussion leaders this year. “We follow a quarterly Bible study guide,” explains… Read more »

Poetic Conversations

First United Presbyterian Church Fayetteville has a tradition of small groups as well as the meetings of the whole congregation. One of these groups is Poetic Conversations. This is a monthly meeting to share poetry through the spoken word. “I experience these as refreshing,” says Pastor Jan Butin. “We meet monthly on Zoom on the… Read more »

Help with Community Meals

Fayetteville has a project called Community Meals which is supported by an interdenominational assortment of churches, including First United Presbyterian Church. Members and friends of FUPC can sign up to plan, prep, cook, and deliver meals to either Trinity United Methodist Church (on Sunday nights) or 7-Hills Day Center (on Fridays). According to Feeding America,… Read more »

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