First United Presbyterian Church


God’s Frequency

    I remember the day my husband called me and asked if God could use children to answer prayers. I was struck by confusion and curiosity and asked him to explain the situation. He told me that he had been praying and that while he insisted that God did not need to answer him,… Read more »

The Fauré Requiem for Good Friday at FUPC

French composer Gabriel Fauré wrote his Requiem in 1890. A requiem, in music, is a composition intended for a funeral. This particular requiem is extremely beautiful and uplifting. It has seven parts, which makes it suitable for a Tenebrae service, which includes seven readings and the gradual extinguishing of seven candles. The requiem will take place… Read more »

Good News and Bad News

  Saturday! After a relaxing swim and a good breakfast I looked at our local paper’s front page. I was faced with four titles: “Guard was eyed to round up illegals” “Pakistan victims remembered” “Training add-on snags campus add-on gun bill” “Project aims to cut wrong-way driving” I chose the last article. Its subtitle was,… Read more »

Our New Piano

  We are very excited that our church has purchased a 2007 Steinway Concert and Artist Model B grand piano for our Sanctuary. On Sunday, March 27, you’ll get to see and hear this beautiful piano for the first time. I am so thankful to the members of the Worship Ministry Team and the Session for supporting… Read more »

Services for Holy Week 2022

First United Presbyterian Church has a full slate of services planned for Holy Week this year. We will follow our new mask policy. Palm Sunday Palm Sunday services will be held April 10th at 8:30 and 11:00 in the Sanctuary. Maundy Thursday The Maundy Thursday service will be held on April 14th at 6:00 p.m…. Read more »

Giving Up

  Lent is the season to remember the sacrifice of Christ. For forty days, we purposely consider what distracts from our worship of His sacrifice. We consider what is important in our daily lives and chose to sacrifice that thing, whether it be food, drink, or entertainment, and every time we crave that thing, we… Read more »

Is Lent good for us?

  An artist friend of mine was troubled by Lent. She didn’t think it was healthy to spend all that time thinking about your faults. But this is not a random guilt-fest. This is a period of forty days (to remind us of Jesus’s forty days in the wilderness) for self-examination, followed by a joyful… Read more »

New Mask Policy

This is the new mask policy of First United Presbyterian Church Fayetteville: It is the policy of First United Presbyterian Church to follow the CDC’s COVID Community Level County Check for Washington County in its masking policy. (You can check the current county status via the widget at the bottom of this page.)    When… Read more »

Ash Wednesday

  Even in a single church, Christians have many different ways of observing Lent. The Bible does not say anywhere to give up swearing for 40 days every year, after all. But Lent can be a very good discipline. If you give up something for 40 days, you may go on to give it up… Read more »

Debbie Power’s Artwork to Be Featured at FUPC

The courtyard at First United Presbyterian Church centers on four hanging banners. The everyday banner series shows the church’s mission statement. We also have a special set of banners for advent, and we will have a new set for Lent and Holy Week. Debbie Power is assistant to the Dean of the College of Arts… Read more »

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