First United Presbyterian Church


Psalm 51 – Right There Waiting

The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple. – Psalm 119:130 This past Sunday, Kristi Button, our Director of Christian Education and her husband Rob who is a Registered Nurse and a musician, “unfolded” the words of verses 1 through 12 of Psalm 51 in a tag-team sermon. Kristi and… Read more »

PW Small Groups

Presbyterian Women of FUPC are excited to announce our fall small group opportunities! All women of the church and their friends are welcome. There are a variety of ways to be involved in Presbyterian Women. We hope to see you at one or more of our gatherings. If you need assistance contacting any of the… Read more »

Psalm 14

Psalm 14

Amanda McDonald preached on Psalm 14 last Sunday. Psalm 14 is a challenging passage. 1 The fool hath said in his heart, “There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” 2 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there… Read more »

Announcement from the Transitional Pastor Search Committee

Dear FUPC Congregation: It is our great pleasure to announce that Reverend Stewart Smith has entered into a covenant agreement with FUPC to be our Transitional Senior Pastor.  We are so excited to welcome Stewart to our church!  He will be resigning as General Presbyter of the Presbytery of Arkansas in August and begin serving… Read more »

First Worship – Relevant Faith for Everyday Life

Last Sunday, we shook up our Sunday morning schedule and began offering a new worship experience at 9:00 am, First Worship – Relevant Faith for Everyday Life. Even though it was a holiday weekend, over 90 people attended! The service is intentionally designed to offer something for all ages. It is for young families and… Read more »

Grace Vawter Scholarship 2024

The Trustees of First United Presbyterian Church invite undergraduate college or vocational students  to submit applications for the Vawter Scholarship. Requirements for application to the Grace Vawter Scholarship: The applicant must be a member in good standing of First United Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, Arkansas, or have a meaningful connection to that church. Church members have… Read more »

New Summer Schedule

This Sunday, something new is beginning at First United Presbyterian Church! There will be 9:00 AM Join Amanda, Kristi and Isaac in the Sanctuary for our new worship service, First Worship-Relevant Faith for Everyday Life. Amanda, Kristi and Isaac will be preaching on a rotating basis. This 50-minute service is intentionally designed for both young… Read more »

Circles NWA Video

Circles NWA shared their video of FUPC’s campus — their “New Space”!   Circles will be using the FUPC space beginning July 31st, 2024. Their current cohort of Circles Leaders is graduating and they are putting together a new cohort for the fall. Once they have the new group in place, they expect to feed… Read more »

World Refugee Day is June 20

by Rebecca Haden   June 20 is World Refugee Day. At FUPC, we support Canopy NWA, an organization that provides assistance for refugees living in Northwest Arkansas. Canopy invites us all to wear blue on World Refugee Day and to join in local activities observing this awareness-driving day. What’s a refugee? Refugees are immigrants, but… Read more »

Pastoral Transition at FUPC

Jan and Phil Butin have been our beloved pastors for 14 years, but now they are retiring and moving north to spend more time with their children and grandchildren. As a Presbyterian church, we have a process for changes of this kind. As the PCUSA manual for calling a new pastor puts it, “Presbyterians believe… Read more »

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