First United Presbyterian Church


Holy Week Schedule

This year, Holy Week will look a little different at FUPC. Instead of gathering together for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, we will be livestreaming those services. On Easter Sunday… Read more »

View the Worship Service from 3/14/21

This past Sunday morning (3/14/21) we attempted to livestream our 11 a.m. worship service as normal, but we experienced significant issues with our internet which prevented us from streaming. We… Read more »

Abrahamic Faiths Forum Meets March 11

First United Presbyterian Church is proud of our partnership with the Abrahamic Faiths Forum, a panel discussion between members of the Christian faith, the Jewish faith, and the Muslim faith…. Read more »

UPY Mission Trip Feedback

The Youth Ministry Team is seeking feedback from UPY families on the possibility of taking a joint summer mission trip with First Presbyterian Church in Springdale! Parents/Guardians and students are… Read more »

Lenten Devotional Available

We are excited to provide a devotional for Lent prepared by the Presbyterian Outlook. Each week’s PDF contain daily readings from Scripture as well as short devotional reflections. We are… Read more »

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