First United Presbyterian Church

Lenten Study with the Presbytery of Arkansas

During Lent, join the Presbytery of Arkansas and PC-USA Mission Co-Worker Rev. Dori Hjalmarson in a six-week Zoom Bible study of mission and church.

When two deadly hurricanes struck Honduras during one week in November 2020, members of the Honduran Presbyterian Church felt called to act, even though their own communities and churches had been spared damage. But this call was not universally felt at first. Isn’t the church called to care for its members’ spiritual well-being, and leave the disaster response to the experts and government agencies? Should the church not seek to evangelize among the communities suffering from the natural disaster, in addition to providing food and medicine? WHY are we doing this?

These may sound like questions you have heard or asked in your own congregations. To answer them, some members of the Honduran church turned to scripture and to a study called Church, Community and Mission to reflect and rethink their own ideas about what God calls the church to be and how God calls Christians to act in relationship to the world around us. We invite our U.S. partners to join us in the journey, and to experience the transformation that we have experienced in the past year.

When: March 3-April 7, 2022, Thursdays, 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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