First United Presbyterian Church

Kristi’s Cross

Kristi, Director of Christian Education, is another staff member with a cross in her office. In fact, she has more than one. The one pictured was given to Kristi by friend and mentor NiAnn Thompson on the occasion of her retirement.

NiAnn had a collection of crosses and she marked her retirement by distributing them among other Christian educators. For Kristi, the cross is meaningful as a symbols of God’s love and as a reminder of her connection with NiAnn.

For many, the cross is a powerful symbol of God’s love, not for its beauty or grandeur, but for its raw depiction of sacrifice. It represents the ultimate act of selflessness, where God, in the form of Jesus, willingly endured suffering and death to offer humanity redemption and forgiveness. This act of love transcends human understanding, yet it speaks volumes about the depth of God’s care for each and every one of us.

But the cross is not just about God’s love for us; it also serves as a call to action, prompting us to reflect how we can mirror that love in our own lives. The horizontal beam of the cross stretches out, calling us to love our neighbors, extending compassion and understanding beyond our immediate circle. The vertical beam points upwards, reminding us to strive for a higher purpose, living with integrity and serving others with humility. By embracing the spirit of the cross, we can create a world where love, like its outstretched arms, embraces all.

Join us at FUPC as we “Lift High the Cross” during this Lenten season.

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