First United Presbyterian Church

In Person Worship Now at Both Services on Sunday!

We are delighted to announce that weekly, indoor worship has begun again at FUPC at 11 o’clock!

All vaccinated persons and children may attend worship without a mask. Please feel comfortable wearing masks at any time.


We are returning to TWO in-person opportunities for worship each Sunday:

• Outdoors at 8:30 a.m. in the beauty of creation (indoors when inclement weather)
• Indoors at 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary

Each option affords us these benefits:

• An exciting opportunity for worship
• The privilege of being together
• Time for fellowship outdoors before and after worship (as weather permits)

Will the livestream service continue?

Yes! You will still be able to participate online at 11 o’clock each Sunday! FUPC services are also posted on You Tube. They can be accessed through our church website ( at any time.

How may I help?

We will need everyone! Please email Rosie Haden, Office Manager (, and she will include you as a registrant on the Courtyard; greeter, usher, or audiovisual support in the Sanctuary. You can also volunteer to help on another Sunday as you come to worship. Thank you!

Do I need to let the church know that I’m planning to attend worship?

No, just come. You’ll need to sign in as you come through the Courtyard into the Sanctuary.

What should I expect when I return?

• A warm FUPC welcome from your church family
• A quick check-in under the Courtyard canopy
• Admittance by a greeter
• In-person leadership in all worship services
• A choir, band, or bells on Sundays
• Blue-taped pews and visible adaptations for the livestream in the Sanctuary
• The joyful reminder of God’s faithfulness as we come through this pandemic

Do I need to be vaccinated to attend worship?

We strongly encourage vaccinations for all who are eligible since reaching herd immunity is of highest importance and will increase safety for everyone. Please keep in mind that vaccination opportunities haven’t been made available for children and youth under 12 years of age yet and some of them will be with us. All are welcome at FUPC.

Will there be childcare?

Not quite yet. Children of all ages are always welcome! They can be themselves. If they need to move about with their parents at the back of worship spaces or want to make their own happy or unhappy sounds, we intend to adapt, recognizing parents and grandparents have made choices to bring them and acknowledging that they are trying to raise them with faith. There will be a Time for Children at all three services just for them. The Gathering Place (outside the Sanctuary) allows parents to walk or play with children while still hearing the service (if that makes a more comfortable experience).

Shouldn’t I just stay home to watch worship?

We hope you’ll return as soon as you’re comfortable. Together, we are the Body of Christ and we miss you when you are not here.

Will I be able to sit in my usual pew?

We hope you will come back with a spirit of newness and flexibility so we can experience worship differently. You will see a lot of blue social-distancing tape in the Sanctuary. Your usual pew may not be available, or another person may be sitting in it when you arrive. Even if this feels uncomfortable, please extend a measure of grace as we find a new way forward.

Will there be a bulletin?

At early service—yes, along with hymnals for those who want to read the music. At both late service locations, bulletins will be available for those who prefer them, and we will have the screens. Hymnals will be in the pew racks. Children will have brand new packets to enhance their worship experience.

Will we be standing and sitting again for parts of the worship service?

The outdoor service is more casual and occurs without these worship postures. Indoor late services, however, will include them.

Will we pass the peace?

Yes, we will keep this practice going with distanced waves, virtual hugs and care across the worship space.

What about communion?

Communion will be served (as scheduled) at both services and in all locations. We will continue to use the prepackaged, sealed communion wafer and juice. If you are coming in person, you will not need to drive to the church to receive the communion elements. If you do not feel comfortable coming to worship yet, the elements are available during office hours. Deacons will continue to deliver to those who are unable to get out who will be watching by livestream.

How will I give my offering?

At both services, an usher will bring the plate to you to receive your pledges and offerings. On occasion, we may encourage you to place a time and talent offering in the plates as well. You can contribute weekly through the plates, by going to our website (, by using text to give, by automatic bank draft, or by mailing your check to the church. Please call Financial Administrator, Laura Winburn (442-4411 or with questions regarding contributions.

What if I have other questions?

Please contact Rosie Haden, Office Manager (, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., and she will help you or put you in touch with another who can respond.

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