First United Presbyterian Church

Legacy Giving

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10


Legacy Giving Options:

A legacy gift allows your resources to continue to serve God’s purposes beyond your individual lifetime. The most common way to make a legacy gift is by including First United Presbyterian Church as a beneficiary in your will. When discussing legacy giving options with your family and your advisors please consider bequests to the following funds.

FUPC Ministry Endowment

Earnings from the FUPC Ministry Endowment support the regular annual ministries of the church.  Historically, the annual distribution from the endowment funds between 9 to 12 percent of the annual operating budget. This ensures that the earnings from your gift are used to support the changing needs of the church.

FUPC Properties Restricted Fund

Our church is blessed with a beautiful campus and wonderful facilities which sometimes require expensive unanticipated urgent repairs.  Gifts to the FUPC Properties Restricted Fund will help to ensure there are funds available to cover these expenses in the future.

FUPC Mission and Outreach Restricted Fund

Earnings from The FUPC Mission and Outreach Fund  go directly to support our church’s commitment to demonstrate the love and grace of God to those in need beyond the church in our community and around the world.  Earnings are allocated and spent annually at the discretion of the Outreach and Service Ministry

Education Scholarship Funds

Earnings from gifts to these funds go directly to eligible student applicants connected with our congregation for courses taken in fulfillment of an undergraduate degree (Vawter Scholarship), or to support theological education preparing for various kinds of church ministry or mission (Lee Power Scholarship)

The funds described above are invested in the Texas Presbyterian Foundation Balanced Fund.  The fund has a record of performing well even in volatile market conditions.  The Texas Presbyterian Foundation is a non-profit organization, so the investment fees are significantly lower than those charged by many other organizations.

Other Options

If you would like your legacy gift to go directly to meet ministry needs rather than being invested, that is also possible.

The Texas Presbyterian Foundation assists individuals with solutions for making charitable legacy gifts.  Click through to read about the Texas Presbyterian Foundation legacy giving solutions (donor advised funds, charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities and endowments).


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