The vision statement of First United Presbyterian Church is about reaching out as a visible expression of God’s grace, and meeting people where they are. We want to attract and engage you and your family in the love of God and the life of our church. We want to involve our members in caring relationships and intentional Christian community with one another. We strive to be a congregation that welcomes all, and which serves as an extended family of faith to all who are a part of the church. We want each member to be engaged in the work of the church, and to develop significant relationships with one other as together we live and serve as the body of Christ.
Three groups within the church share responsibility for this initiative: The Fellowship Committee, the Welcoming Committee, and the Board of Deacons.
Members of the Fellowship Committee work to make our church an extended family of faith for all. We foster friendships and develop small group fellowship. The Fellowship Committee sponsors a Homecoming Sunday each fall and an annual church retreat. We host an annual church picnic. We coordinate a system of small group meals and fun activities called “Tables for Eight.” We reach out to University of Arkansas students by working with the United Campus Ministry, providing lunches or suppers after worship. The Fellowship Committee coordinates the
The Welcoming Committee aims to honor God and help our church grow by equipping the whole congregation to joyfully share the good news of God’s love throughout our community. We manage various forms of advertising, create church brochures, and work with website revisions and updates. We contact frequent visitors, support “Exploring FUPC” events for those interested in learning more about the church, welcome new members to our congregation, and help them become connected as they discover and use their gifts within the church family. We oversee publication of the FOCUS newsletter each month, and prepare the Church Pictorial Directory every few years. And each December, we coordinate an annual welcoming effort for the whole Fayetteville Community during the season of Advent called “A Celebration of Light,” with three weeks of free dinners and pre-Christmas activities for the whole family, for First School Families, and for the church’s neighbors and friends.
It is our goal to help make our church a warm extended family of faith and a “Light on the Hill” throughout our community.
To become involved or to learn more about the evangelism and fellowship ministries of our church, please contact the church office at info@fupcfay.org or call 442-4411.