First United Presbyterian Church

What We Believe

Christianity is a thoughtful and faith-filled integration of specific patterns of worship, belief, and action.

At First United Presbyterian Church, we believe “Presbyterian” makes a better adjective than noun. We are Presbyterian Christians. First and foremost, we are Christians, along with followers of Jesus from across the ages and from various traditions and denominations. For us, Christianity is a thoughtful and faith-filled integration of specific patterns of worship, belief, and action. Fully-integrated Christian faith is a matter of the heart, the head, and the hand—all three focused together on the glory of God and all three reflecting together the love of God for the world.

We are Christians who stand in a specific historical trajectory that values certain priorities that we call “Presbyterian” or “Reformed.”

Presbyterian Beliefs: a summary of some important biblical and theological themes that are especially important to Presbyterians.

Presbyterian Confessions: a chart briefly describing the 12 statements of belief, worship, and ethics that comprise our Book of Confessions (the official statements that best summarize Presbyterian perspectives and views in key periods of history)

Doctrine, Worship, Ethics: explore the threefold integration of heart, head, and hand; worship, doctrine, and ethics.

If you would like to talk with either Co-Pastor about the worship, beliefs, and practices of First United Presbyterian Church, we would be very pleased to get together informally for a conversation.

Additional Resources related to Presbyterian beliefs

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