First United Presbyterian Church


The Deacons coordinate the church's ministries of compassion, witness, and service.


Deacons are ordained officers of the Presbyterian Church (USA) whose ministry focuses around sympathy, witness, and service. At FUPC, our Board of Deacons forms a ministry team of prayer, concern, and action for congregational care. The Board of Deacons meets monthly to share joys, concerns, and needs in the congregation, and to offer these needs in prayer. Our Deacons find that we grow spiritually ourselves as they pray for and endeavor to meet the congregational needs.

The Deacons coordinate food for those in special need, such as at times of illness, birth, or death. Many in the congregation have assisted our ordained Deacons in this aspect of the committee by giving of time in preparing and delivering food. Other ways in which we serve:

  • Send cards and letters in times of grief or illness, as well as regularly to shut-ins. In some years as many as 1,200 notes or cards are sent.
  • Coordinate visitation to shut-ins or elderly members.
  • Coordinate transportation for members who need transportation to church.
  • Coordinate with elementary Sunday School children to make cards for members at Butterfield Trail.
  • Purchase and deliver poinsettias at Christmas to those who have had special needs during the year. Each year there are approximately 60 to 70 plants delivered.
  • Mail the worship guide to those not able to attend church.
  • Deliver tapes of the worship service by request.
  • Act as the liaison between the Session and Stephen Ministry.
  • Provide funds, budgeted from the Session, for congregational care, and for the pastor’s discretionary fund.

Board of Deacons

  • Liz Blackburn
  • Barbara Brown
  • LeNelle Cagle
  • Linda Cudney
  • Dana Daniels
  • Dave Edmark
  • Carol Hart
  • Sharon James
  • Jessie Koeppe
  • Eunice Millet
  • Debbie Power
  • Larry Stubbs

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