Posts Categorized: FUPC

The Classroom Cross

Many of the crosses at FUPC are carved from wood. One example is this unusual design, which can be found hanging between the Sunday School classrooms in the Calvin Building…. Read more »

Beth’s Cross

We’re having a look at all the crosses at FUPC for the Lent 2024 theme: “Lift High the Cross.” This is Beth’s cross. Beth Benham is the FUPC Office Manager…. Read more »

The PCUSA Seal

Harry Vandergriff carved this wooden form of the PCUSA Seal. You may see the seal in other formats around FUPC, too. But just what is the seal? It’s a registered… Read more »

The Labyrinth Cross

FUPC is home to many crosses! One is at the Labyrinth. Walking the Labyrinth is an ancient spiritual practice, generally agreed to have been around for 4,000 years. FUPC’s labyrinth… Read more »

First School

First School is a community ministry of FUPC. Their logo includes a cross to show that they are a faith-based school. FUPC has been involved with several schools over the… Read more »

The Davies Window

The Rev. Samuel Wilson Davies served the church for 28 years, beginning in 1874. In 1899, the Session honored him by commissioning a stained glass window, which was installed above… Read more »

The 1953 Cross

In the Calvin building, outside of the classroom used for the Present Word Bible Study class, there hangs a sort of tapestry commemorating the fusion of the three churches that… Read more »

The Columbarium

The Columbarium on the east side of the campus features multiple crosses. “Columbarium” comes from the Latin word “columba,” meaning dove. Columbaria were originally dovecotes, special structures with niches for… Read more »

Lift High the Cross

For Lent 2024, FUPC’s theme is “Lift High the Cross.” We’ll be exploring the crosses you can find at the church throughout the Lenten season. How many can you find?… Read more »