Posts Categorized: FUPC


Here is another beautiful cross from First United Presbyterian Church. This is the familiar Latin cross shape, but there is something different about it. If you look closely, you can… Read more »

Harry Vandergriff’s Crosses

Many of the crosses at FUPC are hand carved from wood, and many of those hand carved crosses were made by Harry Vandergriff. Harry Vandergriff was a member of FUPC… Read more »


Searching for crosses on Presbyterian Hill, you’ll find this cross on communion ware. In the Presbyterian tradition, Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, holds a special place: One of Two Sacraments… Read more »

Bells on the Hill

Beneath the sanctuary cross, the handbell choir is getting ready to present “Lift High the Cross,” a popular processional hymn which is the focus of the Lenten season at FUPC… Read more »

The Lenten Banner Cross

The banners welcoming visitors and members to the courtyard change with the seasons. our Lenten banners were designed in 2022 by Debbie Power. Two of the series of four banners… Read more »

The Presbyterian Cross

The cross many people know as the Presbyterian cross has its roots in the Celtic tradition and the Scottish Reformation. The Celtic cross is characterized by a circle around the… Read more »

The Choir Room Cross

The FUPC music program has been a high priority of the church from the beginning. At one time, the church had five choirs, as well as adult and youth handbell… Read more »

Practicing Gratitude During Lent

Our theme of “Lift High the Cross” draws our focus on to God’s grace.  Knowledge of God’s unconditional love brings forth gratitude.  People who practice intentional gratitude regularly say that it helps them to be more aware of the positive in their lives.  Why not start today? What are you thankful for?

Stained Glass

The stained glass window in Fellowship Hall includes a stylized cross. Fellowship Hall was used for worship services when the church was first built. Each family was asked to buy… Read more »