Posts Categorized: FUPC

Spiritual Gifts Assessment

Please complete this spiritual gifts assessment if you have not completed it in the past. It is designed to help identify how you might best serve the church in the… Read more »

Caring Relationships

This week’s sermon at FUPC was on Caring Relationships, one of. the pillars of the vital church. The chancel choir sang “The Gift of Love” by Hal Hopson. The words… Read more »

Canopy Donations Needed

FUPC is cosponsoring a family from Guatemala with Canopy NWA! The family will arrive on Thursday, September 1st. They are a single father with two young adult sons and a… Read more »

Grow Spiritually

As part of our Course to 2030, FUPC has identified five essential pathways to the goal of a vibrant, health church. As individuals, we want to grow spiritually. As a… Read more »

God’s Frequency

    I remember the day my husband called me and asked if God could use children to answer prayers. I was struck by confusion and curiosity and asked him… Read more »

Good News and Bad News

  Saturday! After a relaxing swim and a good breakfast I looked at our local paper’s front page. I was faced with four titles: “Guard was eyed to round up… Read more »

Services for Holy Week 2022

First United Presbyterian Church has a full slate of services planned for Holy Week this year. We will follow our new mask policy. Palm Sunday Palm Sunday services will be… Read more »

Giving Up

  Lent is the season to remember the sacrifice of Christ. For forty days, we purposely consider what distracts from our worship of His sacrifice. We consider what is important… Read more »

Is Lent good for us?

  An artist friend of mine was troubled by Lent. She didn’t think it was healthy to spend all that time thinking about your faults. But this is not a… Read more »