Posts Categorized: FUPC

Psalm 51 – Right There Waiting

The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple. – Psalm 119:130 This past Sunday, Kristi Button, our Director of Christian Education and her husband Rob… Read more »

PW Small Groups

Presbyterian Women of FUPC are excited to announce our fall small group opportunities! All women of the church and their friends are welcome. There are a variety of ways to… Read more »

Psalm 14

Psalm 14

Amanda McDonald preached on Psalm 14 last Sunday. Psalm 14 is a challenging passage. 1 The fool hath said in his heart, “There is no God. They are corrupt, they… Read more »

New Summer Schedule

This Sunday, something new is beginning at First United Presbyterian Church! There will be 9:00 AM Join Amanda, Kristi and Isaac in the Sanctuary for our new worship service, First… Read more »

Circles NWA Video

Circles NWA shared their video of FUPC’s campus — their “New Space”!   Circles will be using the FUPC space beginning July 31st, 2024. Their current cohort of Circles Leaders… Read more »

Pastoral Transition at FUPC

Jan and Phil Butin have been our beloved pastors for 14 years, but now they are retiring and moving north to spend more time with their children and grandchildren. As… Read more »

PCUSA General Assembly 226

PCUSA General Assembly 226 The 226th General Assembly of the PCUSA will meet later this month. There will be three days (June 25 -27) of online committee meetings which will… Read more »