Seeking all the crosses at FUPC, we found one on the Community bulletin board. Did you know that FUPC has eight bulletin boards in Calvin building alone?
Bulletin boards used to be a primary means of sharing information, much as social media is today. People would share interesting things they had read, ask for help and volunteers, offer help, and celebrate news. The first cork board was patented in 1925 and bulletin boards spread across offices, schools, businesses, and churches.
Each board focuses on a specific ministry or goal:
- The Family board shares the adventures and news of our church family.
- The Youth board shares news and events in the youth and young adult ministry.
- The Community bulletin board shares information about the community where FUPC lives and serves.
- The Honduras board shares information about the mission in Honduras in which FUPC is involved.
- The Earth Care board shares the efforts of our Earth Care Congregation to serve as good stewards of God’s creation.
- The Vision board spotlights our plans as we move toward our 200th anniversary in 2023.
- The Local Ministry board shares information about local outreach ministries.
We’re curious: do you read the church bulletin boards? Let us know in the comments!