Posts By: Rebecca Haden

Grace Vawter Scholarship 2024

The Trustees of First United Presbyterian Church invite undergraduate college or vocational students  to submit applications for the Vawter Scholarship. Requirements for application to the Grace Vawter Scholarship: The applicant… Read more »

Circles NWA Video

Circles NWA shared their video of FUPC’s campus — their “New Space”!   Circles will be using the FUPC space beginning July 31st, 2024. Their current cohort of Circles Leaders… Read more »

World Refugee Day is June 20

by Rebecca Haden   June 20 is World Refugee Day. At FUPC, we support Canopy NWA, an organization that provides assistance for refugees living in Northwest Arkansas. Canopy invites us… Read more »

Pastoral Transition at FUPC

Jan and Phil Butin have been our beloved pastors for 14 years, but now they are retiring and moving north to spend more time with their children and grandchildren. As… Read more »

FUPC in Bloom

First United Presbyterian Church of Fayetteville is blessed to have a beautiful campus and devoted gardeners. Now, in May, the grounds are full of gorgeous flowers. Find these flashy beauties… Read more »

The Meaning of Pentecost


We can think of Christmas as the birthday of Christ, but the birthday of the church is Pentecost. Pentecost, observed 50 days after Easter Sunday, commemorates the descent of the… Read more »

Earth Care Sunday

Earth Care Sunday comes on April 21st, with a special 11:00 worship service focused on our stewardship of God’s creation. There will be activities for children, refreshments, and a hike… Read more »

It’s Friday

A moving poem by S.M. Lockridge, shared by the Gateway Church.

The Olan Mills Cross

Back in the days when we had physical church directories, they were sometimes produced by Olan Mills, a chain of commercial photographers. This company produced church directories from 1932 to… Read more »