First United Presbyterian Church

Strengthen Connections

The second pathway we’ve identified in our Course to 2030 is “Strengthen Connections.”

We’re working to strengthen internal and external connections among our members and with our larger community.

Our goal is to have 80% of our active members (including baptized children and youth) be connected in some way to worship, fellowship, caring, serving on a ministry team, spiritual growth, and other learning experiences.

In Sunday’s service, Paige DeJarnett sang a song called “Little Narrow Gate,” based on Matthew 7:13-14.

We are thankful for Paige’s decision to share her talent with us as a choir intern and member of the Chancel Choir.

Other opportunities

The choir may not be your jam, but there are many more opportunities to connect.

Outreach projects like Sunday Suppers and  Community Meals meet at FUPC and provide a chance for fellowship as well as service.

In addition to worship and whole-church fellowship events, we also have small groups that meet to pursue specific interests. Adult discussion groups open the door to learning and to developing friendships with others in the church. Invite friends to join you when you come to these groups or to Hooks and Needles, the Mens’ Prayer Breakfast, Presbyterian Women, or other small group events.

We welcome everyone to attend worship and fellowship events, and to enjoy the campus. The Brooks-Hummel Trail, the Labyrinth, and the many gardens allow connections to nature as well as the community. Community groups like Walson Chinese School, 12 step programs, Boy Scouts, and the Ozark Society meet on our beautiful campus at 695 Calvin in Fayetteville.

As the pandemic gets under control, we look forward to seeing one another in person more than we have been able to in recent years. We’re also making many experiences available online through Zoom, social media, and YouTube, to encourage connections with members of our congregation and community who may not yet be ready to get back together in person.

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