What’s happening this month for the youngest members of the congregation?
Sundays in May- Together in May
Each Sunday in May the children are invited to meet in lower Knox from 9:30 to 10:30 for Bible stories, songs and activities.
VBS is the evenings of June 27-30 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. It will be a four night all-ages family VBS. Come together and learn together. We will begin and end the evening together and have break-out groups for adults and children in the middle of the evening.
We want to come together to know one another better and so we are having a year where we all come together as one church family of all ages.
We have children attending Ferncliff several weeks this summer. The week that Ms. Kristi is going as chaplain is July 10-15. Contact Kristi Button for more information about signing your rising 1st grade and up to youth children up for summer camp.
Youth meets each Sunday evening from 4:30 to 6:00.
We hope to see everyone soon!