First United Presbyterian Church

No Early Service September 13 or 20

Dear Congregation,

We received word Friday afternoon that Rob Button has tested positive for COVID-19 and is isolating at home.  As a congregation, we are holding him and his family in love and prayers.

Rob was showing no symptoms last Sunday, September 6, when he led worship and sang at both FUPC services. On Thursday, he began coughing and had an elevated temperature, so he sought medical attention. He received a chest x-ray and a six-hour test.  Rob has a low-grade fever.  He is coughing every hour (not a persistent cough). At this time, nothing seems to be progressing.  He is working from home. Kristi Button, who serves as Director of Christian Education and preached last Sunday, was tested Friday afternoon with their son, Riley; they are awaiting results. Both are asymptomatic.

Those from our staff who were in close contact with Rob last Sunday went for testing yesterday afternoon and this morning.  None are experiencing symptoms.  In all instances, medical professionals where they were tested have encouraged them to quarantine for 14 days.

Physicians in our congregation that have been consulted have indicated that although transmittal risk is low with the careful practices we have in place of being outdoors, masking, distancing, and very minimal contact, it is not zero.  Please seek medical help immediately if you have any symptoms.

We will not have early service September 13 or September 20.

Two brand new fall Spiritual Growth discussions will be available beginning tomorrow by Zoom One and Zoom Two from 9:30-10:30 a.m. (Please refer to your Friday Weekend Update for this news, links, and passwords.)  There will not be in-person Spiritual Growth participation on the Courtyard yet. The dedication of the Reverend Lee Power Garden scheduled for September 20 is being postponed.

Please plan to participate in livestream worship at 11 o’clock tomorrow by clicking the link in your Friday Weekend Update or going to our website,  We will be resuming our FUPC September–May schedule which means worship is one hour later than the summer schedule.  Music will be videotaped the next two Sundays.

We have tried to reach all who attend early service by email, text, or phone. You may be receiving this note as a relative; please be sure your family has this information.

Please keep all who face COVID-19 in our community (and beyond) in prayer, along with those who treat them, and the many congregations who each week offer spiritual care while trying to navigate safely in a pandemic.  Once again, we find comfort in remembering that Christ is the Hope of our changing world.

Revs. Phil and Jan Butin

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