First United Presbyterian Church

Communion August 16th

We will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper this Sunday, August 16 at both services, using the same type of pre-packaged, sealed elements (small sealed cup with a wafer in the pull-off top) that we used at Pentecost.

8:30 service

If you choose to worship outdoors with us at 8:30 on Sunday, sealed elements will be available for you to come forward and receive in the service.

10:00 service

Please come by the church this evening between 4:30 and 6:00 or tomorrow morning between 9:00 and 10:30 to receive your communion elements for the streaming service.

Drive up Calvin Street, and continue down towards the lower parking lot. Then turn back east, so that the driver side of your vehicle will be facing the north office entrance to the church. Elders will be there to serve you with the words, “The body and blood of Christ, given for you.”


Over the weekend, we encourage you to reflect on your relationship with God in Christ, and to renew the disciplines of devotion and discipleship that help you to grow in the knowledge, love, and service of God. We will partake of the elements together in the normal way during a celebration of communion following the sermon in Sunday’s Livestream service.

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