First United Presbyterian Church

Educational Resources

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We treasure and cultivate our connections with Presbyterians across the United States and around the world.


The mission of the library is to serve God, the church and our community by providing quality resources and services which encourage Christian growth, enrich worship experiences, and support the congregation, staff and programs.

The FUPC library is located in Calvin Building behind the church office and has resources of interest for all ages. Resources include commentaries, theological and inspirational writings, biographies, and devotionals. A full collection of taped sermons from the last several years is available. The magazine shelves include current and back issues of Christian history, Christianity Today, Biblical Archaeology, Horizons and Presbyterians Today. For children we have beautiful and wholesome picture books by Christian and secular authors.

The library is open any time the church office is open. You are invited to browse, borrow books, or simply to sit and enjoy the peace and quiet of our beautiful room.

The Lee Power Library housed at First United Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, consists of over 200 volumes from the late Reverend Power’s personal library. The collection offers scholarly resources in the fields of counseling, philosophy, scripture, and theology. In gifting the collection to FUPC, it was Lee’s wish that these resources be made available to FUPC members, Presbytery, and those seeking a career in church leadership. A catalog of the collection can be found below. Resources can be checked out by contacting the FUPC Office Manager or the church librarian

  • Find a book Our goal is to have the library catalog computerized in the near future. In the meantime our integrated card catalog will help in locating resources.
  • Borrow a book We use the honor system for checking out books. After signing your name, leave the checkout card on the card catalog near the door for books that you borrow. The borrowing time is three weeks.
  • The Lee Powers Library Click here to see a catalog of materials available.
  • Meet in the library Small groups may use the library for activities on a space-available basis. Schedule your meeting through the church office.
  • Volunteer There’s a place for you in the library. No experience is necessary. If you are willing to help, please contact the volunteer librarian Nancy Waite at or at 479-521-2910.
  • Donate We are supported by donations and memorial funds as well as a budget from the church.

Recommended Reading

Check out Our Children’s Shelves!

From parenting to faith issues to classic stories, our children’s section of the library has a great variety of books to share with your child:

Educational Links

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