First United Presbyterian Church

Ellen Smith Birthday Fund

The Ellen Smith Birthday Fund honors Ellen Smith and provides for the future of the church.

The Ellen Smith Birthday Fund is a fund within the church endowment to which church members are encouraged to make gifts of gratitude on their birthdays or in celebration of other life events.

Together we will leave a legacy for the future generations of our church.  When a donation is made, the donor may choose to designate that the proceeds from their gift go to ministry (ongoing operation expenses), mission and outreach, worship and music, education scholarships or building and property maintenance. More information about the endowment can be found at the bottom of this page.

Please read the Giving Suggestions section below and prayerfully consider honoring a birthday or another life event with a gift to the Ellen Smith Birthday Fund.

A special offering is planned for one Sunday each month (typically the third Sunday); however, donations are accepted at any time.  Gift designation cards and envelopes are available in the Gathering Place,or use the form below.

Birthday Fund Giving Suggestions

  • Give a donation equal to your age. For example, if you are turning 45 in September, give a gift of $45 during September.
  • Give a donation equal to a friend or family member’s age. For example, if your grandchild is turning 10 in April, give a gift of $10 during April.
  • Give a donation to celebrate your anniversary. For example, if your celebrating your 25th anniversary this June, make a $25 donation in June.
  • Give a donation in honor of the length of your church membership. For example, if you have been a member of the church for 7 years, give a gift of $7.
  • Give an alternative amount for each year of age, marriage or membership. Instead of a dollar per year, donate a quarter, dime, nickel or penny.  For example, if you are turning 74 in October, give a gift of $37 (half-dollar per year) in October.

Every gift helps!

The First United Presbyterian Endowment Fund

The church endowment is an investment fund that is managed by the trustees with the counsel of the endowment committee.  Only the earnings from endowment-designated gifts may be spent by the church. The designated gift amount stays in the account and continues to earn, helping to sustain the church. When a donation is made, the donor may choose to designate that the proceeds from their gift go to ministry (ongoing operation expenses), mission and outreach, worship and music, education scholarships or building and property maintenance.

Typically, twelve percent of the annual church operating budget is covered by a distribution from the ministry endowment. Gifts to the endowment designated for ministry will help to sustain and grow this important source of income for the annual ministry of the church.

Our church is blessed with a beautiful campus and wonderful facilities which sometimes require unanticipated urgent repairs.  Gifts to the endowment designated for building and property maintenance will help to ensure there are funds available to cover these expenses.

Giving to the Ellen Smith Birthday Fund is one way to help grow the endowment.  Members are also encouraged to remember the church endowment when discussing legacy giving opportunities with their family, attorney and/or financial adviser.

The endowment is invested in the Texas Presbyterian Foundation Balanced Fund.  The fund has a record of performing well even in volatile market conditions.  The Texas Presbyterian Foundation is a non-profit organization, so the investment fees are significantly lower than those charged by many other organizations.

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