First United Presbyterian Church

Kick-off Sunday is September 8!

This Sunday, September 8 is Kick-off Sunday at First United Presbyterian Church (FUPC). At 10:00 am during our Christian Education Hour, everyone will gather in the Gathering Place. We will celebrate the beginning of our fall programming, cheer for children and youth as they begin a new year of Sunday School and show our appreciation for those God has called to lead them. The program in the Gathering Place will also include an overview of the fall Sunday morning discussion groups for adults. The children, youth and their teachers, will leave the Kick-off celebration together and go to their classrooms to spend time getting to know each other. The adult discussion groups will meet in the time that remains after the Kick-off Celebration. For more details see: Sunday Mornings at FUPC.

Two other special events are also taking place at First United Presbyterian Church on the 8th. It is First School Sunday. We extend a special invitation to the First School families, staff and teachers to worship with us at First Worship (9:00am). There will be a special time of prayer and backpack / school bag blessing. We will also Celebrate Stewart! Stewart Smith’s began his ministry at FUPC on September 1, 2024. We want to be sure everyone has the opportunity to welcome Stewart, and he is very excited to have a chance to meet more of the congregation. There will be time for refreshments and fellowship between the worship services and again after the 11am service.

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