First United Presbyterian Church

PCUSA General Assembly 226

PCUSA General Assembly 226

The 226th General Assembly of the PCUSA will meet later this month. There will be three days (June 25 -27) of online committee meetings which will be followed by a week (June 29- July 4) of in-person meetings in Salt Lake City, Utah.

One of the unique aspects of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is how it is governed and how decisions are made. The PCUSA is governed by councils. Councils are composed of presbyters elected by the people. Presbyters are tasked to work together to seek and represent the will of Christ and make the decisions of the church in accordance with that discernment. A presbyter may be a ruling elder (session member) or teaching elder (Minister of the Word and Sacrament). There are four levels of councils. Each congregation has a session. Churches are grouped into districts or presbyteries. First United Presbyterian Church is part of the Presbytery of Arkansas. The presbyteries are grouped into regions or synods. Our church is part of the Synod of the Sun. The General Assembly is the council that serves at the national level.

Below you will find links to general information about the governance of the PCUSA as well as links to information specifically about the 226th General Assembly.

For information about what the General Assembly is, what it does and how it works, click here: Office of the General Assembly Homepage. At the bottom of that web page there is a brief helpful video about the Presbyterian way of governance.

For information about the upcoming General Assembly meeting, click here: Homepage for the 226th General Assembly. On that page you can register to be an online or in-person observer, sign-up for daily news digest emails that will be sent out June 29-July 4 and read back issues of the On the Road to GA226 newsletter.

If you are looking for details about the specific business being conducted at the general assembly meeting, the participants and the processes used, you can find that at the PC-biz website.

The current issue of Presbyterian Outlook has several articles about the upcoming general assembly meeting.

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