First United Presbyterian Church

Connections Groups

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We treasure and cultivate our connections with Presbyterians across the United States and around the world.

FUPC has many connection groups for adults! Find the contact people for the groups next to the name of the group. Find contact information for these individuals in the church directory. The church office can put you in touch with the group leader if you do not have access to the church directory.

Musical Groups

Chancel Choir  contact person: Isaac Thomas
Handbell Choir contact person: Pam Gilbreath
Children’s Choir contact person: Ruth Rodgers

Community Outreach Groups

7hillls Friday Meals contact person: Barbara Verdery
Sunday Suppers contact persons: Amanda McDonald and Kristi Button
Canopy NWA FUPC Teams contact persons: Leigh Woodruff, Rob Button, Jessie Koeppe
Cooperative Emergency Outreach FUPC Team contact person: David Clay
Circles NW Arkansas contact person: Elizabeth Houle
Interfaith Dialogue contact person: John King
First School Parents contact persons: Cathy Hairston, Melissa Werner

Spiritual Growth Groups

The Present Word contact persons: Dennis Brewer, Jane Steinkraus
Thoughtful Christians contact person: Derrik Olsen
Poetic Conversations Book Discussions contact person: Libby Lizarraga
Presbyterian Women’s Morning Bible Study contact person: Barbara Verdery
Presbyterian Women’s Evening Book Study contact person: Katie Jackson
Presbyterian Women’s Covenant Group contact person: Jessie Koeppe
Men’s Prayer Breakfast contact person: James Moore

Social Groups

First Fellowship (55+) contact person: Ron Talbert
Men’s Lunch contact person: Tom Verdery
Handcrafts contact person: Carol Van Scyoc
Social around meals contact person: Dana Bassi
Games Group contact person: Carol Van Scyoc

Service Groups

Gardening Groups contact person: Sabra Martin
Outdoor Workday Groups contact person: James Moore
Earth Care Group contact person: J.P. Peters
Safety Task Force contact person: Charles Williams
Communion Delivery groups contact person: Eunice Millett
Birthday Card group contact person: Barbara Brown
Chrismons Group contact person: Leslie Johnson
Hooks and Needles Group contact person: Janet Clausen
Poinsettias Group contact person: Dave Edmark
Social with Service contact person: Mary Ellen Moore

Physical Exercise Groups

Yoga Group contact person: Barbara Verdery
Hiking Group contact person: Kristi Button and Carol Van Scyoc
United Campus Ministry Biking with NWA Presbyterians contact person: Kristi Button and Carol Essen

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