These button-trimmed crosses are on the wall in Knox building, in the children’s Sunday School area. Two of the crosses are the familiar Latin cross shape, and two have the pointed ends found on the Byzantine cross.
Spiritual growth programs for children have been important at FUPC from the beginning. Currently, we have two Sunday School classes for children:
- Joy-us for 3 years through 2nd grade.
- Bible Detectives for grades 3-5
There are also classes for the youth. Infants and toddlers are welcomed into the nursery. Knox classrooms also are in use for First School and Chinese School at other times during the week.
Vacation Bible School has been part of Presbyterian life in Fayetteville since 1925, and many variations on the idea have been enjoyed at FUPC over the years.
Kristi Button and Amanda McDonald provide leadership for spiritual growth and education of children and youth at FUPC.