First United Presbyterian Church

We give with grateful hearts!

We have chosen the phrase: “Christ, the hope of our changing world!” from the church mission statement as our theme for the 2021 Stewardship campaign.  This year, the world has changed for everyone in a way no one could have planned for or anticipated.  In times like this it is a blessing to have faith that Christ is with us, giving us strength, love, and grace.  Stewardship season is the time to show our gratitude for these gifts by pledging to share our time, talent, and treasure with the church during 2021.

The 2021 Challenge Budget includes a small cost of living increase for the pastors and staff.  The budgets for the deacons’ ministry and the outreach ministry have been increased to enable the church to better respond when there are critical unforeseen needs in our community.   These increases will be possible if there is a 1.5% increase in pledges. If you already pledge, please prayerfully consider increasing your pledge by 1.5% or more.  If you do not already pledge, please prayerfully consider beginning to pledge.  Pledging helps you plan your giving for the upcoming year and assists the session in making plans for the church.

Please plan to make your pledge and turn in your time and talent sheet by December 1, 2020.  There are many ways you can do this:

  • Online – Pledge cards and time and talent forms can be filled out online.
  • Mail – Please use provided return envelope.
  • Email – Scan your pledge card and time and talent form and email them to
  • In person – Bring your pledge card and time and talent form to the early service or drop it by the church office M-F, 8:00 am – 2:00 pm.

Additional time and talent forms maybe printed from the Annual Giving page.

Thank you for your generosity

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