You are the light of the world. A community set on a hill cannot remain hidden. Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven. — Matthew 5:14-16

There’s a place for you in our extended family of faith here at First United Presbyterian Church!

Come as you are. You will be loved. God will meet you here, as you explore a variety of exciting opportunities to place your gifts in God’s service.

Our Sunday Morning Schedule

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We invite you to come and experience for yourself how God's love can embrace, encourage, and refocus you.

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We invite you to come and experience for yourself how God's love can embrace, encourage, and refocus you.

A light on the hill

“Called to be a light on the hill, we boldly proclaim and serve Christ, the hope of our changing world.”

First United Presbyterian Church is a warm and welcoming church family where faithful, loving people worship a powerful God. We welcome you with services, connections, and opportunities to join with a strong community of faith in ways that respect and celebrate the new realities of our 21st century lives as individuals and families.

At the same time, our roots in Northwest Arkansas run deep. We are getting ready to celebrate 200 years in this community. Our church has been active in the changes our community has seen during that time. We continue to stay engaged with the current needs of our community, and we are excited about the future.

“Reaching out as a visible expression of God’s grace, we will meet people where they are, inviting all into Christ’s family through engaging worship, fellowship, learning, and service.”

We are a diverse and intergenerational church that offers safe and joyful opportunities for people of different ages and interests, but above all we worship, learn, and serve together. We build strong connections within our church and our community, connections which allow us to serve and support one another, and also to accomplish more in our community than we could hope to achieve by ourselves.

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We treasure and cultivate our connections with Presbyterians across the United States and around the world. We hold fast to basic Christian beliefs, working together to reflect and demonstrate God’s love to all people.


Ash Wednesday FAQ 2025

New Sunday Morning Schedule

Two Ways You Can Help Our Youth Help Others

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